Don’t let fear paralyze your vision.


Just like most people, I thought I cannot be defeated nor can I be wrong. I felt like I cannot become a failure because I work hard and there was no way all my efforts will go in vain, but I was wrong. Just like anybody else, I experienced ups and downs in my life. Though I haven’t seen life much when I did fail, at this point in my life, I did hit rock bottom. I was at a job where I was not happy with where my career path was going, I started an online business with the hopes that it becomes a huge success, and much to my shock, it came crumbling down and I was not able to make that business a success. I was failing both personally and professionally. Amidst all this, I lost my job. I panicked because everything in my life started falling apart and I became exactly what people told me “a failure”. Read More »

Craziest things I did to escape going to school!

Craziest things I did to escape going to school!


I don’t know how many loved going to school. From what I see children who were toppers always loved to go to school and students who had friends loved to go to school. And then there is me, I just despised going to school. The only times I showed up at school was during Annual days, elocution competition (because I was good in English), cultural fests/programs etc. I did some ridiculous and craziest things to not go to school. You can comment too if you did some of them.

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